Douglas County 4-H Volunteers Have Heart!
Nickie H., 4-H Youth Development Agent
Practice, Practice, Practice! That is what eleven Douglas County 4-H horse project members have done for the last two months in preparation for an event called 4-H Horse Panorama held at Rocks Spring Ranch at the end of February. However, the preparation and event itself would not be possible without the commitment of dedicated volunteers. Each year, 4-H adult and youth volunteers give endless hours to help youth be their best. Volunteers guide 4-H members to become productive citizens, outstanding communicators, effective leaders, and successful learners. This is achieved through a volunteer’s passions, skills, talents, and heart!

National Volunteer Week is just around the corner, and I want to express my gratitude for all our 4-H volunteers' dedication and commitment to our program. These volunteers live by our 4-H motto, “To Make the Best Better”. Individuals can volunteer in a variety of ways. These include community club leaders, project/activity leaders, teen leaders, and those who serve behind the scenes. Each role plays an integral part in a 4-H member’s experience and contributes to the overall success of our program.
Community clubs include youth who enroll in a variety of projects. The clubs have structured business meetings emphasizing community service, recreational activities, and communication skills. The community club leader’s primary responsibility is coordinating the club and providing meaningful educational learning experiences. To be successful, they work with youth and adult volunteers within their club to organize monthly meetings and activities, along with communicating important information from the county and state 4-H programs and professionals.
Project or 4-H SPIN clubs include youth who enroll or are interested in a specific project area. Project/activity leaders plan and prepare for project meetings utilizing experiential learning through workshops, field trips, audio/video resources, guest speakers, teaching kits, computers, or other learning tools. They may coordinate these activities with a club leader or extension staff at the county level.
Teens lead by sharing their experiences with younger members or serving in a leadership capacity. Teen leaders work with community/project club leaders, extension staff, county 4-H councils, committees, and 4-H ambassador programs to expand their leadership and civic engagement skills and mentor other 4-H'ers.
Members of local 4-H foundations, fair boards, county extension councils, and program development committees all work behind the scenes to make sure 4-H programs are successful. From business leaders in our communities to local government, 4-H supporters, and alums, they all devote time, resources, and opportunities to make the best better!
The Douglas County 4-H program would not be a success without the leadership of all these individuals who enhance and enrich the lives of our youth. As we approach National Volunteer Week, April 20 – 26, I would encourage all 4-H members and families to thank all the volunteers who make their 4-H experience possible. On behalf of the Douglas County 4-H program, THANK YOU for investing in our community's future leaders! If you want to volunteer for the Douglas County 4-H program, visit: