Land Stewardship
Building a home and living in a rural setting embraces unique advantages as well as challenges. Douglas County Extension strives to provide prospective and current property owners with the information and resources they need to manage their land for health, safety, sustainability, and enjoyment.
Habitat First land stewardship practices - a series of brochures describing many different land management practices for improving wildlife habitat and natural areas.
Pond management (see under 'Pond Management' tab)
Septic systems:
Site and Soil Evaluation for Onsite Wastewater Systems - provides information to sanitarians, contractors, and owners on locating new domestic wastewater treatment systems with respect to site and soil conditions.
Landscaping Septic Systems (Univ. of Minnesota Extension)
Landscaping Over Septic Systems with Native Plants (Purdue Extension)
Streams and wetlands
Riparian and Wetlands Program, KS Dept. of Agriculture
Willow Cuttings - erosion control strategy, KS Forest Service
Water sources and storage
The Extension office can provide a test kit that can be sent to a private lab for analysis. The test kit itself is free, but there is a cost to mail the kit to the lab and for the water analysis.
The Lawrence-Douglas County Health Dept. can inspect wells and collect water samples to screen for bacteria nitrates. Contact
Private Well Maintenance and Protection
Weed and Brush Management
Brush and Weed Control in Pasture and Rangeland
Noxious weeds - link to Dg. Co. Public Works for information, rental equipment, and chemicals
Windbreaks for Kansas - KS Forest Service
Windbreaks for Wildlife - KS Forest Service