4-H Volunteer

Volunteer Information

Volunteer: a non-paid representative of the extension unit for which the individual provides services.

Kansas 4-H Volunteers are adults providing supervision to youth at a 4-H program; make decisions on behalf of the 4-H program; have access to private data of 4-H members or volunteers; and/or handle funds as part of 4-H. These individuals must complete the volunteer screening process, be accepted, and enrolled as a Kansas 4-H volunteer. The Initial process includes; 4HOnline enrollment which includes an application, Criminal History, Interview, Orientation, and Approval.

These positions include, though may not be limited to:
- Organized Club Leaders
- Project Leaders
- Chaperones for overnight events
- Camp volunteers
- Volunteers who have access to funds raised on behalf of 4-H
- Volunteers who have access to confidential records or information

Adult Helpers give their time and/or expertise to 4-H education programs of activities and who will either not be in direct contact with children or youth or who will only be in situations directly supervised by paid and/or screened, experienced volunteer/staff. Adult Helpers are not required to participate in the volunteer screening process.

These positions include, though may not be limited to:
- Guest speaker/presenter
- Concession stand worker for single events
- Presentation Judges

Who Must Complete the 4-H Volunteer Screening Process?

4-H volunteer screening must be completed by:

  • any individual who works in close, ongoing interaction with youth
  • any adult with authority to independently plan and conduct 4-H educational experiences for youth with other adults present or in a public setting

Volunteers who do not fit into one of the above criteria would be considered adult helpers and do not need to complete the screening.

Steps to Become a New 4-H Volunteer

  • The volunteer applicant must enroll in the Kansas 4HOnline Enrollment System. If your family uses the Kansas 4HOnline system at https://v2.4honline.com/#/user/sign-in, you already have a family account. Login to your family and add yourself as a new family member if you don’t have an adult profile. If your family has never used 4HOnline, you will need to create a new family account before creating an adult profile for yourself.

  • Volunteer interview with Extension staff.

  • Complete Background Checks:

  • Complete the required 4-H Volunteer Orientation.

  • Local extension office will compile information and submit applicant’s packet for approval.
  • Extension office will send a letter concerning volunteer status and appointment for 4-H work and update status within the Kansas 4-H Online system.


Kansas State 4-H Volunteer Resources

Project Leader Resources