Many people would be surprised to hear that Douglas County has over 210,000 acres of land use devoted to agriculture. 60.4% of those acres are dedicated to crops, 26.6% is pastureland, 6.7% is woodland and 6.2% is in other uses. With our urban neighbors close by, the agriculture industry has both its challenges and opportunities. One of those opportunities is to help people understand where their food comes from and the variety of ways it can be produced. With the help of local farmers, we use the media and events like Slice of Ag to educate and share our story.
We work with individuals to address issues that impact their operations such as: pasture and forage management, soil fertility, crop production, weed management and livestock production.
No matter what you need, stop by, email or give us a call. We're here to help! Click here for Agriculture News & Events updates!
Available Services Notice!
Please note, that the K-State Research and Extension Douglas County office, does not provide farm vehicle rentals, tools, sprayers or chemicals. Please see the The Douglas County Conservation District or the Douglas County Noxious Weeds Department for the above needs.