Agriculture News & Events

Agriculture News & Events

Douglas County Extension's Agriculture (Ag) program works with individuals to address issues that impact their operations such as: pasture and forage management, soil fertility, crop production, weed management and livestock production.

Please note, that the K-State Research and Extension Douglas County office, does not provide farm vehicle rentals, tools, sprayers or chemicals. Please see the The Douglas County Conservation District or the Douglas County Noxious Weeds Department for the above needs.


FSA Outreach Event - Kansas Agriculture and Specialty


grapes on a vine

Flower Hill Institute is excited to announce our upcoming event at Z&M Twisted Vines Vineyard in Lawrence, Kansas! Farmers and specialty crop producers are invited to an afternoon discussion about available FSA farm funding and specialty crop programs, followed by an in-depth tour of the Z&M Twisted Vines vineyard for attendees.

Participants are encouraged to register for this event using the following link:


Special guests from the Farm Service Agency, Kansas Black Farmers Association, Farmer’s Outreach Solutions, and Kansas State Research and Extension for Agriculture will be present to share and exchange helpful resources with farmers and applicants.


collage in the background of different events and text that says "Kansas Local Food Producer Workshops" logos include k-state research and extension logo, Kansas Department of Agriculture and From the Land of Kansas

LAST EVENT: Garden City: Friday, March 28, 2025; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Southwest Extension and Research Center | These workshops are an opportunity for producers and small food businesses to learn more about selling their products through direct-to-consumers sales and other local market opportunities. Participants can connect with other producers and learn from their peers to improve their business success.

rural landscape

April 12, 2205 – "Rural" doesn't have to mean "rough"! Join us for our Rural Living in Douglas County Resource fair! Break free of the uncertainty and confusion when it comes to Zoning & Codes, wells, ponds, prairie establishment, forest management and more!


image of office front overlayed text saying "no image available"

MARCH 18, 2025, Our neighbors to the south are hosting a Burn School that may be of interest to you! Topics include: Woody Encroachment Control of Common Tree and Shrub Species Sericea Lespedeza Old World Bluestem Burning and Chemical Control

speciality crop and urban Ag workshops focused on Soil Health

April 9, 2025 - KACD will be hosting a second round of urban and specialty crop workshops focusing on solid health with guest speaker Jay Fuhrer.

HPAI: Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

"Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) has continued to be detected in new locations nationwide, although it has not been identified in Kansas poultry flocks since spring 2024. As we have noted throughout this outbreak, this viral disease appears to be spread by the migration of wild birds which has Kansas’ domestic birds at risk once again. Poultry producers should remain vigilant, reviewing their biosecurity activities to protect the health of their birds.

More Information Here


Additional Resources