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4-H CLUB DAYS 2024 Highlights

4-H Club Days 2024 Results:

Play, Skit, Model Meeting | Show and Share - Multi Media - Career Research Presentations | Impromptu Presentations |

Vocal - Piano - Instrumental - Dance Performance | 4-H Deomnstration and Illustrated Talk Presentations |

4-H Project Talks - Public Speaking - Oral Interpretations - Hisotrical Speech Presentations

Click below to see Jessica's 4-H County Club Day story!

4-H County Club Day - Jessica's Story Video Link

4-H Club Days

Goals and Purpose

County 4-H Club Day

  1. Demonstrate the benefits and opportunities provided through 4-H by showcasing the 4-H’ers themselves.
  1. Give 4-H’ers an opportunity to learn skills and gain confidence in their abilities to exercise parliamentary procedure, speak effectively, and give creative performances in the arts.
  1. Place special emphasis on core 4-H skills such as parliamentary skills and oral presentations.
  1. Give 4-H’ers an opportunity to participate as an individual, as part of a small group or team, and as part of a large group or club.
  1. Recognize 4-H’ers and help them grow their skills by measuring all performances against a published standard of excellence (Danish system).
  1. Recognize top performers by selecting them for further competition at Regional 4-H Day for events with regional categories and/or the State Fair for demonstrations/illustrated talks for competitors 10 and older (American system).

Regional 4-H Day

  1. Demonstrate the benefits and opportunities provided through 4-H by showcasing the 4-H’ers themselves.
  1. Give 4-H’ers an opportunity to learn skills and gain confidence in their abilities to exercise parliamentary procedure, speak effectively, and give creative performances in the arts.
  1. Place special emphasis on core 4-H skills such as parliamentary skills and oral presentations.
  1. Give 4-H’ers an opportunity to participate as an individual, as part of a small group or team, and as part of a large group or club.
  1. Recognize 4-H’ers and help them grow their skills by measuring all performances against a published standard of excellence (Danish system).
  1. Recognize as many top performers from the County 4-H Days as possible by providing for further competition in a multi-county 4-H environment to acknowledge their achievements (American system).

Each category of events and each individual event also have specific goals and purposes. That infomration can be found below in the 4-H Club Day Guidelines.

4-H County Club Day Registration Information - READ FIRST

Club Day Tips

4-H Club Days Information Sheets

Public Presentations

*Click Below to See Info Sheets Clearly

Project Talk Public Speaking

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.

What: Tell of their actual project experience or promote a project.

Visuals: Not required.

Time: Maximum of 5 minutes.

Who: 10 years and older.

What: Original presentation on topic of interest to 4-H’er.

Visuals: Lectern may be provided

Time: Maximum of 15 minutes.

Oral Interpretation


Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Prose or poetry - gestures, facial expressions, and voice matters.

Visuals: None

Time: Junior or Intermediate- maximum of 5 minutes. Senior - maximum of 10 minutes.

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Defined as a “show how” process involving doing or making something while giving an explanation.

Visuals: Use of actual items, supplies, equipment, people or animals while going through a process.

Other: Should have a finished project to show.

Time: Junior or Intermediate- maximum of 10 minutes. Senior - maximum of 15 minutes.

Illustrated Talk

Show & Share

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Defined as a “tell how” process.

Visual: Required in the “telling how”.

Other: Use of posters, charts, models, graphs, etc. to aid in emphasizing a point or to add interest while telling how to do something.

Time: Junior or Intermediate - maximum of 10 minutes. Senior - maximum of 15 minutes.

Who: 7-10 years old, in their 1st or 2nd year of
4-H Cloverbuds

What: A talk about any 4-H related project or item.

Visuals: Props or posters may be used.

Other: Is a non-competitive event.

Time: Maximum of 5 minutes.

Multimedia Presentations


Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Use of one or more original electronic medias to present about a project.

Visuals: Must be original work of the 4-H’er.

Time: Junior and Intermediate - maximum of 10 minutes. Senior - maximum of 15 minutes

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: A member selects a topic. They are given 5
minutes to prepare their speech.

Other: 4-H’er is given a notecard and a pencil in order to write notes to use for reference during the speech. No other notes may be used.

Visuals: No visuals or props may be used.

Time: Maximum of 5 minutes

Historical Speech

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Excerpt from a speech.

Other: Introduction must state who originally gave the speech and when it was given.

Visuals: None, encouraged to dress as the original speaker.

Time: Junior and Intermediate - maximum of 10 minutes Senior - maximum of 15 minutes


*Click Below to See Info Sheets Clearly

Model Meeting Gavel Games

Who: The group may be composed of 4-H members and leaders.

What: Depicts a typical monthly meeting of a 4-H Club. The meeting may be designed to suit the needs and interests of 4-H Club members.

Other: More than one club can be represented. Only one secretary’s book needs to be presented to the judge.

Time: Maximum of 35 minutes, excluding roll call time.

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Teams of four or five 4-H'ers: President, Vice-President (program chairman), Secretary, Treasurer and alternate, who give an oral presentation as a group and take a written test individually.

Other: Younger members can compete in a higher level.

Time: Maximum of 30 minutes for test and presentation.


*Click Below to See Info Sheets Clearly

Chorus Band or Orchestra

Who: 12 or more 4-H’ers from one club or it may be a composite group from two or more clubs.

Selection: Two numbers

Other: Original copy of music with measures numbered must be given to judge before performing. Singing can be with or without accompaniment.

Who: 12 or more 4-H'ers.

Selections: Two numbers.

Other: Original copy of conductor’s scores with measures numbered must be given to the judge before playing.

Vocal Ensemble

Vocal Solo

Who: 2 to 11 4-H’ers, not including the accompanist.

Selection: Two numbers

Other: Original copy of music with measures numbered must be given to the judge before playing.

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

Selection: One number

Other: Original copy of music with measures numbered must be given to the judge before playing.

Instrumental Ensemble

Instrumental Solo and Piano

Who: 2 to 11 4-H’ers, not including the accompanist.

Selection: Two numbers

Other: Original copy of music with measures numbered must be given to the judge before playing.

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

Selection: One number.

Other: Original copy of music with measures numbered must be given to the judge before playing.


*Click Below to See Info Sheets Clearly

Solo Dance Ensemble Dance

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: May be any style of dance

Visual: Costumes optional, props as needed, no sets

Other: Provide accompaniment with own playback equipment

Time: Maximum of 7 minutes.

Who: 2-11 4-H’ers

What: May be any style of dance

Visual: Costumes optional, props as needed, no sets

Other: Provide accompaniment with own playback equipment

Time: Maximum of 7 minutes.

Group Dance

Who: 12 or more 4-H’ers

What: May be any style of dance

Visual: Costumes optional, props as needed, no sets

Other: Provide accompaniment with own playback equipment

Time: Maximum of 7 minutes.


*Click Below to See Info Sheets Clearly

One-Act Play Skit

Who: Any number of members.

What: Entries are limited strictly to one-act plays. Only one setting is allowed. The curtain may be dropped to denote the passing of time. A change of setting is not permitted during the drop of the curtain.

Time: Maximum of 45 minutes including set up and tear down time.

Other: Costumes needed.Provide title and writing credits to the judge.

Who: 3 or more 4-H’ers

What: Skits may be rehearsed or extemporaneous. If extemporaneous, the group should be given a basic situation for the theme of the skit..

Time: Maximum of 10 minutes, including set up and tear down.

Other: Costumes optional. Props as needed.Provide title and writing credits to the judge.

Solo or Duo Acting

Solo Novelty Performance

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Original material or material from a published source.

Time: Maximum of 10 minutes, including set up and tear down.

Other: Costumes optional. Props as needed.

Who: Junior 7-9 years old.
Intermediate 10-13 years old.
Senior 14 years and older.

What: Miscellaneous grouping that may include talent such as novelty numbers, stunts, pantomime, puppets, marionettes, ventriloquist acts, or other types of talent.

Time: Maximum of 10 minutes including set up and tear down.

Other: Costumes optional. Props as needed.

Group Novelty Performance

Who: Groups of 2 or more 4-H’ers

What: Novelty or stunt, puppets, marionettes, ventriloquist, animal acts, etc.; may include original material.

Time: Maximum of 10 minutes including set up and tear down.

Other: Costume optional. Props as needed.