Native Plants
For more than a century, K-State Research and Extension has brought horticultural and agricultural science to landowners. Increasingly, backyard gardeners call or visit the County Extension office for information on native plants, particularly those that attract pollinators. Larger property owners seek advice on converting extensive lawns into pretty meadows or turning old pastures and cropland into prairie habitat. See below for some of our research based information to help you re-establish native plants on your property.
Learn about our native vegetation
Kansas Wildflowers and Grasses - information and identification of Kansas flora; searchable by common and scientific name, color, and season of flowering
Establishing and managing native vegetation (for gardening with native plant resources, see under 'Lawn and Garden')
Planting Natives in Northeast Kansas - a series of 5 brochures detailing how to establish native vegetation, whether you are restoring a prairie, planting a garden, or establishing native plant crop borders.
Native Prairie Hay Meadows Management Guide
Other Resources
A Natural Areas Inventory of Douglas County in NE Kansas - Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory