Pond Management
The Douglas County Extension office can offer advice for managing aquatic weeds or enhancing the wildlife value of your pond. Contact the Horticulture and Natural Resources Agent, Sharon Ashworth, for a site visit if you are unsure of how to manage your pond.
Contact the Extension Office if you suspect a harmful algae bloom (blue-green algae).
Aquatic weeds
Aquatic Plants & Their Control
Aquatic weed ID and management - Texas A&M AquaPlant
The K-State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory is able to test water for Blue Green Algae. Price and info can be found here. Contact the extension office for help sending and collecting the sample.
Pond construction
Consult with the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)
Lawrence Service Center (785) 843-4260
4920 Bob Billings Pkwy, Lawrence, KS 66049
A good reference is the USDA publication “Ponds – Planning, Design, Construction”
Pond management
Pond management basics - KSRE slide show that addresses pond weeds, fish production, and nuisance wildlife.
Producing Fish and Wildlife from Kansas Ponds - A comprehensive guide from the KS Dept. of Wildlife and Parks.
Stocking a pond
The KS Aquaculture Association compiles a directory of regional fish producers - KAA Directory