Growing Fruits and Veggies
Now is the time to start a garden! The benefits of home food production go well beyond supplying fresh, healthy food to the dinner table. Gardeners are also interested in growing their own food because it gives them control over the production practices used, provides physical activity, is an interactive way of engaging neighbors and friends, reduces food cost during the season and beyond, and can sometimes be the only way to get that special variety that isn’t commercially produced. Regardless of why you’re interested in producing food you’ll need reliable information to refer to along the way.
Success in the garden is thrilling, but anything less than success can result in frustration. Proper site selection, crop choice, soil, water and nutrient management, insect, disease, and weed management and harvest timing and procedure along with postharvest handling all play a critical role in the level of success that is achieved.
One source with most of what you need to start growing veggies in Kansas: