4-H Mini-Banner Projects

4-H Resources

In 4-H, young people learn about topics that interest them! These are referred to as a member's "projects." Exploring your interests through 4-H project work is an excellent way to discover new skills and potential careers.

When selecting projects, consider:

  • Does it meet the needs and interest of the member?
  • Is the project challenging him/her physically, mentally, or educationally?
  • How much time does the member have and how much time does the project require?
  • What time of the year does most of the activity for the project take place?
  • Is the project acceptable to you as parents and does it fit into the family needs and situation?
  • How much will the project cost?
  • Is adequate space and equipment available?
  • Is there an opportunity for ownership and management responsibilities?
  • Are there leaders to help with the project, or are you willing to help the member with the project?

How Are Projects Conducted?

Project work is conducted through various activities and events such as:

  • Project meetings in the local club
  • Demonstrations and talks at regular club meetings
  • Tours
  • Family activities or work at home
  • Exhibiting at shows and fairs
  • Record keeping

Project Selection Guide (Free PDF)

2023/2024 Kansas 4-H Projects

4-H Project Information

Additional Useful Resources

The 4-H Program Overview

4-H Meeting Overview

4-H Project Objectives

4-H Activities

Family Guide

Glossary of 4-H Terms

Local Project Resources

Livestock Skill-a-Thon Study Info.

Class 1 - External Parts Identification

Class 2 - Equipment Identification

Class 3 - Breed Identification

Class 4 - Animal Health

Class 5 - Meat Identification

Class 6 - Feed and Nutrition Identification

Poultry Skill-a-Thon Study Info.

Class 1 - External Parts & Comb Identification

Class 2 - Egg Parts Identification

Class 3 - Breed Identification

Class 4 - Quality Assurance

Class 5 - Feed & Nutrition Identification

2021 Poultry Showmanship Packet