Greetings from LiveWell Douglas County

by Marty Scott, Executive Director
LiveWell Douglas County

LiveWell is part of a Pathways to a Healthy Kansas, a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kansas grant. February is the start of a new grant year. During the 2022 grant year LiveWell, in collaboration with a variety of community partners will be working to increase healthy eating, active, and tobacco free living in Douglas County by working on the following 11 programs; Placemaking, Tobacco 21, Tobacco Free Campuses, Safe Routes to School, Safe Routes to Food, Simply Produce, a Healthy Food Prescription program, a Food Pantry project,LiveWell Douglas County Logo Double-Up Food Bucks, Worksite Wellness, and lastly a Family Friendly Workplace program.

KSRE Douglas County is spearheading four of the projects.

  • Double-Up Food Bucks – Will increase access to healthy food from local producers
  • The Food Pantry project – Will increase the availability of healthy foods low in fat, sodium, and sugar in local pantries within our charitable food system
  • Simply Produce – Will make it more affordable for residents to purchase and consume fruits and vegetables by providing 15 pounds of produce for $15.00
  • Placemaking – Placemaking projects will encourage outdoor physical activity for children, families, and caretakers

Stay tuned, next month we will describe each of the projects KSRE Douglas County is working on in greater detail and share how you too can get involved.

For more News & Udpates: LiveWell Douglas County