Adding Activity to Your Weekly Routine

Ruby B., Community Health Intern

What would it look like for you to lead an active lifestyle? Meeting the recommendations for physical activity can be challenging, especially when balancing other priorities, such as work and family. Making more time within your weekly schedule may seem like a big ask. You can incorporate healthy, active habits into your existing routine without sacrificing other important commitments. While it’s easy to neglect physical activity, maintaining good health allows us to fully invest in the other areas of our lives.

collage of people doing outside activity. 12 people in total spread across 6 pictures. walking, playing fisbee, riding a scooter, and yoga.

The American Guidelines for Physical Activity (Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 2025) recommend that adults should aim for 150 minutes of moderate-intense aerobic activity with at least two additional days of muscle strengthening activities each week. Only one in four Americans meet these recommendations.

Individuals who aim for these goals experience the benefits of exercise through reduced risk of chronic disease, and improved sleep, mood, and mental health. Even small bouts of physical activity have health benefits. Moving your body doesn’t have to be hard – it should be enjoyable! It is never too late to adopt an active lifestyle. Exercise looks different for everyone, and there is no “right way” to move your body. If you are struggling to find time in your weekly routine for exercise, consider some of these ideas:

  • Walking to destinations or activities that are already planned such as work, school, or a friend’s house.
  • Include others in your plans for movement by inviting a friend or taking your dog for a walk.
  • Include exercise in your social activities through playing pickleball, throwing a frisbee, or going on a hike with family.

If you are struggling to stay motivated or find the willpower to workout after a long day, consider pairing that activity with something you already enjoy. Associating exercise with an external motivator can help kickstart a new habit. For instance, create a playlist with new music to make the activity more enjoyable, or allow yourself a post-workout meal that you look forward to. Tracking your movement on a planner can also help develop consistency.

If you were wondering if something counts as physical activity, it probably does. You don’t need to be a runner to be active. Gardening, hiking, cleaning, and dancing are all great examples of physical activity. Finding enjoyable ways to move your body is key to maintaining an active lifestyle. Physical activity may look different for everyone, but your future self will thank you for taking control of your health.


Physical Activity and Movement Resource Page - K-State Research and Extension