K-State Research and Extension Douglas County front of office in the spring

K-State Research and Extension Douglas County

Enriching Douglas County residents with research-based information, resources, and opportunities.


K-State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. We are a partnership between Kansas State University and federal, state, and county government, with offices in every Kansas county. Not a Douglas County, KS resident? See your County's extension office, here K-State Research and Extension - Statewide Locations.

Our Spring 2025 Newsletter is out now! See updates, program information, helpful resources, and more from Extension staff and Agents so you can be up-to-date with what is happening in your community!




4 images of interns aiding youth in various summer activities, talking, myplate, life cycle of plant, STEM exercise

K-State Research and Extension Douglas County (KSRE-DG) is seeking TWO youth engagement interns to provide high-quality youth programming throughout Douglas County. Interns will be responsible for organizing, facilitating, and teaching lessons to youth with research-based curriculum provided by K-State Research & Extension. This full-time, twelve-week internship will run from approximately May 19 through August 8, 2025. Youth Engagement interns will be selected by April 4, 2025.

image of douglas county office drop off sign and pointing to the deal six auditorium. text read 2025 Kitchen Sale, Donation Drop-off Now Open!

Update - Donations are open now until March 31st!! - Declutter your kitchen and help members of the community in the process! Our Kitchen Sale will be on April 5, 2025!


April 12,2025 – "Rural" doesn't have to mean "rough"! Join us for our Rural Living in Douglas County Resource fair! Break free of the uncertainty and confusion when it comes to Zoning & Codes, wells, ponds, prairie establishment, forest management and more! The event is free and open to the public and is funded by the Douglas County Natural and Cultural Grant Program.